We are happy to offer microchipping. Every year, thousands and thousands of pets go missing. Not knowing where your pet is or how to bring them back can be a helpless, hopeless feeling. It’s a tragedy that happens all too often.

This unique form of identification is an easy, yet permanent way to bring your pet home quickly should he / she become lost. The microchip is a tiny electronic device, about the size and shape of a grain of rice. It is implanted beneath your pet’s skin between the shoulder blades, and stays there for his / her entire life. This procedure is as easy and as painless as a vaccination.

Each microchip has a unique number. This number, along with information about the owner and pet, are added to a national pet registry. Most veterinary hospitals and animal shelters have electronic scanners for detecting and reading these implanted microchips. If a lost pet is found and a microchip is scanned it is easy for you to be contacted.

Save yourself the heartache and stress of a lost pet. Microchips bring pets home.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today.